
Showing posts with the label Short Story

A Thought - A Short Story

A Thought  "I will die". Karim always muttered it. Nothing happened, but he did not feel well. Then suddenly he muttered "I will die". Karim also felt astonished. What was the matter? He often asked himself but found no answer. Korim was a man of 30 years. He lived in Maharajpur village, not well-developed but also not least developed. He lived with his parents, a sister and a grandmother. They were happy.                  There was no economic crisis or food shortage in Karim's family. They belonged to middle class. After his college education, Karim got a government job in an office. Everything was fine. Life became easy, but one day Karim's g kmrandmother felt uneasy and  was transferred to the city hospital. She was diagnosed a problem in her heart. Doctors suggested an operation and told them to take her to a nursing home, because they did not have the facility.  But Korim had to bring her home due to lack of money. That day Karim felt very sad and beco

The Garden Guard - A Short Story

The Garden Guard      "Mohan uncle, what are you doing now?", asked Nandalal when he met him after a long time.  Mohan was the guard of a fruit garden of zamindar Mishra Seth. The fruit garden was the favorite of the local children. They used to sneak into the garden to get some fruits to eat. The locality was composed of middle- class people, mostly laborers. Mohan stood guard all the time. He used to sleep in the garden - both day and night. He did not have a family as the people knew because they never saw or heard of his family. Besides, Mohan would eat at the Zamindar's house and slept in the garden. So, people took that Mohan did not have any family. The zamindar had many gardens, many acres of agricultural land and other lands also. Like all zamindar, he disliked the local poor people and their children. Mohan only guarded the fruit garden that was in the locality of Nandlal, a village boy.                                                                          

The Demon Inside- A Short Story

The Demon Inside  "What will be the result?", Maru asked himself.  It kept him from murdering Shibu, his elder brother. Maru was a quiet, introvert and bookish child. He always thought of the future. But one day, his life was totally changed.                To speak of Maru's childhood, we found that he lived in a family of six people -his father Kori, his mother Hira, Charu and Mira - his two elder sisters and Shibu - his brother. They were very poor but leading an honest life. Kori, his father, was a rascal but pretended to be an ideal person to outside people. Only his family knew his villainy. His mother was widely known as a good woman. Charu and Mira were good in education. Sibu was very selfish. He only thought of his own comfort. For that he did not hesitate to do anything. Anyway, days were passing by. Maru suffered inwardly but his aim was future comfort. He studied hard and just after clearing his High School Education, he got an employment. It was a governme

Heaven To Hell - A Short Story

  Heaven To Hell "What about your mother-in-law?", Shila asked Rita. Shila was a girl of 15 years. She lived in the village Murshidpur. Rita and Shila were friends from childhood. Recently Rita was married to Sailesh, a handsome looking groom from Shantipur. They were simple village girls, no knowledge of the world. Moreover, they were of very young age. Such strong were their friendship that they would share everything in their lives.            Rita was the only girl child in her family. She had two elder brothers. Her father, Rahul, had a large farmland. Karima, her mother was a housewife. Her family was very happy and Rita was the most loving child in her family. She was dear to everyone. She never thought that after her marriage everything would change.             The next day just after the marriage, she was awakened early by her mother-in-law to do household works, which she never had to do when in her paternal house. Though very tired, she came out of her roo

Price of Happiness - A Short Story

Price of Happiness           "She will never know". It was told by Shib Ram, a neighbor of Mitali, a mad. She was not mad from childhood. She also had a happy family of a husband, Kunal and a son, Lucky. They lived in Rahimpur. It was nearly 15 years ago. Kunal was a hawker. He used to sell mithai to different villages and his income was good. He looked after his family very well. In short, they were very happy.          They built their house in Rahimpur coming from another place. Mitali did not work. She was a housewife. Lucky was really lucky. His every demand was fulfilled. But someone's bad eyes caught their happiness. Everything changed. Kunal suddenly died though he was fit and healthy. He did not have any illness. Yet death took him in its shed and threw Mitali 's family in a very deep pit. Mitali wept bitterly as she lost the one and only support of her family. Then she had to think of the future of her only son. Neighbours did not saw her parents or in-laws.

Natural Justice - A Short Story

Natural Justice        "She is doing penance", said Deben, a man of 39 years. He said this about a woman whose name was Debi. She was of 80 years old. Tarutola was her village which was nearly 50 Km away from the town Simakha. Debi was born in the year 1253 AD in a village called Shantipur. When she was of 12 years, she was married to Bikash who lived in Tarutola. After marriage, Bikash'  parents suddenly died. No one suspected anything.        Within few years Bikash and Debi had two sons and two daughters.Debi had now bad reputation in her village. She used to go to others' house while they were cooking meals. They used to say that though they could cooked rice in a large pot, they could not get enough to eat when Debi came to their house during cooking. But Debi cooked in a small pot and got enough for her family. The villagers knew that Debi  practised sorcery, yet they could not tell her anything in fear of much danger. They tried to avoid her.         Days passe

One Step - A Short Story

 One Step                  This story is about a family that lived in a semi-urban village. It was semi-urban as the two gardens that were on the two sides of the village were missing to satisfy the increasing greed and demand of the people. The selfless service of the people had in turned into selfish service. The head of the family was Jatin. Obli was his wife; Mira, Tara and Rakhal were his children. It was a hand to mouth family but they were happy.             Jatin was a mason. Obli was a farm-labourer. Mira had completed her primary school education and then stopped. Tara and Rakhal were reading in the village primary School. The name of their village was Triptipur, which was totally opposite to the condition of the people. No one was satisfied in the village like a traditional village. Like a traditional village, it practised patriarchy. This was also the main reason of their poverty. Every family wanted a male child. The elders of the family had the predominant role here. So,

Mental Fear - A Short Story

 Mental Fear  "What will you do if they excommunicate you? What will you do if they do not come to your house in any problem?"-  these all questions always used to trouble Akram, a student of class XI. Yes, these are the questions which always bother a boy in any village of India when his parents do not build social relationship. This was true to Akram. His father, Isar, was an agricultural labourer and his mother, Nisha, was a housewife. After work, Isar used to work in his small kitchen garden. He did not go outside to have a talk with others. Nisha always remained in the house.                 Akram was a good student. Though he was not among the top 5th students, yet he was good at study. His teachers liked him for his dedication to study and humble character. His soul focus always remained his education.He did not waste his time playing with other boys. Infact, he did not have any friend at all. Suddenly he got afraid of social problems. The attitude of his neighbours ch

Patience Lost - A Short Story

Patience Lost                 "Sir, how long?", asked Subhas, a boy of fifteen. This story is about a boy lived in a village called Notun Tola. From childhood Subhas saw poverty and nothing else. His father Asim was a labourer. His mother Asi was a bidi-worker. Besides, he had one younger brother Samu and an elder sister Nini. His parents' income was not enough for their family. hey somehow survived on meagre food. Subhas was reading in class V, his younger brother in class III and elder sister in VII. Asim and Asi had great expectation from their children. They thought that one day his children would earn enough. This expectation drove them always. They tried to work hard and hard.                   Like other children of their village, Subhas also wanted to be happy. He craved for all the happiness that other children of his village got. But he told nothing to anybody  as he new that "as dark is the night so bright will be the morning". So he used to keep his

Luck in Work - A Short Story

 Luck in Work "Everyone has the right to shine in life, why can't I?", said Polash, a thin grey boy of sixteen. Polush was born in a middle class cobbler family. His father, Sahim, was in their traditional shoe-polish profession. Sashi, his mother, was a housewife cum home-maid. she worked as a household aid  to a few families in the town. Polash had a brother, who was a student like him. Their family was a little stable one. His parents were happy with their condition,  but Polash somehow developed a desire to be very rich. He often used to tell his parents, "one day I will be very rich". His parents just laughed away him.                After his school education, Polash did  not join the college. He told his parents, "I want to earn money".  They told him to carry on education, but Polash did not listen. He went to a big city, Lakshmipur, with the hope of becoming rich. After a few days, he got sick. He returned home. The villagers started making  f

Price of Money - A Short Story

Price of Money  There was a village called Goalpur. There lived a boy name Sabu. His family consisted of his parents, two brothers and a sister. Nimai and Sital were his parents. Lama was his younger brother. Sandhya  was his elder sister. Sabu was the elder of the two sons. His father was a farm labourer. As the village was an agricultural one, the people had no shortage of food but they had not enough money for luxury. They lived a simple life but were happy.           Sabu and his brother and sister used to go to the local school.They were good in education. Sandhya gave up education after her schooling like the village children. So  did Sabu and Lama. While Sandhya joined household work, Sabu and Lama joined the village workforce. Now their condition improved. One day, there came a marriage proposal for Sandhya from the next village Rakhalpur. The bridegroom was a farm owner's only son. The marriage proposal was approved and the marriage was held with traditional rituals. Sandh

Destiny - A Short Story

Destiny  "Mani, your son is good in education! Don't stop his learning", said the school teacher Sumit Mahajan. "I will try my best, sir", was the answer of Mani. Mani was a labourer. He used to do various works for those who hired him. He lived in a village, named Ratnagarh. His family consisted of his wife Mitha, his two daughters Zara and Nima, his only son Teethu and his widowed mother. The financial condition of his family was not too bad, but if he had not gone to work for a week they had to borrow to survive.          As Mitha, wife of Mani, studied up to class VIII, she wished every child of her family should learn. Mitha could not continue her learning as she was married at an early age when she was just 13 years. So the children of Mani were going to there village school. Jara was in class VI, Nima in II and Teethu in class IV. Mitha was a housewife. Besides, she looked after a few domestic goats.       Teethu was a very brisk boy. He was also good in

Out Of Cocoon - A Short Story

Out Of Cocoon "Where is he! Where is he! What! gone", said Purush, a man of 75 years. Motilal informed him that his only son had gone to the town to become a rich person. Neeru was that son.  From childhood Neeru desired to be welthy. He did not like the poverty that dwelt in every household of his village.The name of his village was Nabakul. When he was of 9 years, Neeru gave up education and joined his family farm-work. They had an agricultural land of three bighas which gave two meals a day to his seven-member-family.             Purush was his father, Theri was his mother. Nashi, Moti, Tasi, Koti were his four sisters. He was the only male child of his family, so his responsibility was big as was his dream.From childhood Neeru disliked the rural suffering. He always questioned his parents, "Why do we do not have a pakka house as our school? Why cannot all the village people live happily? Why can't village people get enough to eat while they are producing food? Wh