Natural Justice - A Short Story

Natural Justice "She is doing penance", said Deben, a man of 39 years. He said this about a woman whose name was Debi. She was of 80 years old. Tarutola was her village which was nearly 50 Km away from the town Simakha. Debi was born in the year 1253 AD in a village called Shantipur. When she was of 12 years, she was married to Bikash who lived in Tarutola. After marriage, Bikash' parents suddenly died. No one suspected anything. Within few years Bikash and Debi had two sons and two daughters.Debi had now bad reputation in her village. She used to go to others' house while they were cooking meals. They used to say that though they could cooked rice in a large pot, they could not get enough to eat when Debi came to their house during cooking. But Debi cooked in a small pot and got enough for her family. The villagers knew that Debi practised sorcery, yet they could not tell her anything in fear of much danger. They tried t...