
Showing posts with the label English Poetry

A Good Man - A Poem

 A Good Man Definitely, no one is good  to everyone. It is all  The matter of interest and mood! To some your work is bad  For others, it is good!  So, you can't be good to all, Just listen to your heart and be moral. The world has been turned  Into a market, Honesty, morality, righteousness...  Are all worthless.  The common opinion is moulded  Now and then.  In this world of money  You are just man, just a man! But you will be paid  No matter, what others say or said!  Everything changes in this world  Just a space of time, An honest, moral and righteous man  Will definitely get a name and fame! Read Next Poem (Investment) Read Previous Poem (Morning Dew)

Morning Dew - A Poem

Morning Dew Morning Dew! everywhere,  Everywhere are you!  Oh Morning Dew!  It is only today  I did see you!  On the tree, in the field  You did spread, Like a shield of freshness,  Protection against dust and dryness!  Your touch gives a feeling  Oh! what a healing, what a healing! We wait for you  Throughout the year, But you come  Only in winter!  Is it because  You try our patience?  Want to teach us,  Nothing comes without hard work or perseverance! Whatever be your purpose  You are very very dear to us!  You are so enlivening,  That ignoring winter cold  We get up early in the morning! Read Next Poem (A Good Man) Read Previous Poem (Frustration)

Frustration - Poem

 Frustration Suddenly comes without cause,  Changes mood, but what for!  It is a mystery,  Solution is perhaps in human history ! But how to search? Where to go? It hinders me to forego! It disturbs my mind  Can't find cause of any kind Ask myself what for I have suffered a lot before!  Leasurly way, future thought? I always ask myself  What next! What next!  Perhaps, this is the cause  That causes my frustration, I can't stay satisfied, as  I have great ambition! I want to make a happy society  No corruption, no poverty, no crime!  Where man will be free  Collective prosperity will be the target, All will strive honestly to achieve that! Read Next Poem ( Morning Dew) Read Previous Poem (Immersion)

Immersion - Poem

 Immersion Grand immersion, really grand!  With drum, DJ and band!  Dance at every beat  Bear supplies the heat,  Grand immersion, great great! No worry, no thought  No regard in the heart,  Just festive, atmosphere restive!  Enjoy the time, don't think of crime! The day is yours,  You are the king today , Don't think of the coming day! Just enjoy, festive time  But don't commit any crime! Enjoy but don't bother others  You know the country is ours, So are the country-men!  Enjoy and let others enjoy Towards we will get the greatest joy! Read Next Poem (Frustration) Read Previous Poem (Age)

Age - Poem

Age  It is not just days, months or years  But involves whole matters  Spanning throughout one's life  Pleasant - unpleasant, friendship - strife!  To majority, it is more important  Than the life event....., But to speak about the majority,  Giving importance to their works  They esure their prosperity! It is like a path  You choose....  Whether to go circle or straightforward.  Straight path makes you happy  It is crowded with bliss, love and prosperity!  So, choose this one  Hear none, Make honest effort Age will definitely bring you comfort! Read Next Poem (Immersion) Read Previous Poem ( Don't Spoil The Child)

Don't Spoil The Child - Poem

Don't Spoil The Child What! Are they smoking. Which class are they reading in? Do you know What reply I did get? Only in class VII, they are now! They are like the saplings  Little, tender, lighter air  They have no idea of the world affair!  They have great potential  If taken proper care!  They can change our future! Please, don't spoil the child, our future! You want to make a happy society  And give them Bidi!  Is it your aspiration,  To drive the future towards destruction!  Be careful towards the children , And a monster for those inhuman!  Who make them addict-smoker,  Please, protect their future! Read Next Poem (Age) Read Previous Poem (Bamboo)

Bamboo - Poem

 Bamboo Higher, higher and higher  Towards the  sky, Aspire, aspire and aspire  See, no one is nearby! King of the grass,  Need of the people,  For building huts, pandals or building works!  It does not matter,  Whether warm or cold is the weather! Your origin is not native  But, you have become our relative,  See, everywhere  You or your brethren are there! You know how to help,  You do not consider money gap!  Rich and poor all are to you equal,  No one can be your parallel! Read Next Poem (Don't Spoil The Child) Read Previous Poem (New Start)

New Start - Poem

 New Start With lighter mind and lively brain,  Again I started my morning walk  Towards the field of grain!  With no one to speak, Though occasionally I met, People on the street!  Wished them 'Good Morning', Everybody wished back,  But one averted  I did not mind  As next time, I will get back! So, my morning started briskly  With lighter pace  Though little strain, But it will go vain!  My mind can't be aware  From the ideal, I follow  Though life is a path of straight and curve,  forward route  I will definitely go! Read Next Poem (Bamboo) Read Previous Poem (Yellow Fish)

Yellow Fish - Poem

 Yellow Fish Oh! what a story  Great joy, I intended to read  As I was too depressed! Great mystery- vulgar tinge  But 'love' overwhelming. Munro, Lucy, Holmes, Watson  Everyone is a great person!  Dark night, dim light  Muddy lane, adventurous sight.  All these are here, To give real pleasure! It has worked like a miracle, I am relieved of my pain  Which made my life vain  Now I will be logical! Read Next Poem (New Start) Read Previous Poem (Peculiar Arrangement)

Peculiar Arrangement - Poem

Peculiar Arrangement What an arrangement  Peculiar one  All are unknown So, I am alone! How he arranged? What thought in his head? But I like to take challenge,  Because God is over my head! Waiting for the day  When I have to face  Let see, what did he say  As his evidence! I must enjoy a lot  Won't care what anybody say, As I have learnt to leave the present  Keeping the past at bay! Read Next Poem (Yellow Fish) Read Previous Poem (A Promise Irreversible)

A Promise Irreversible - Poem

 A Promise Irreversible It is my promise to me,  I will never stop to learn  And carry on writing poetry!  This very day, this very time  I make this promise, take this very oath,  I will never stop my line  Till my death! No fear, no anxiety  Will ever be able,  To swell the confidence in me,  That I call marvel!  My mind will remain firm  My head will not stop  Though fear may try to harm   I will remain non-stop. I have now gained  A firm determination, an infinite power,  So, anything to face - I am Prepared Till I gain what I desired! Read Next Poem (Peculiar Arrangement) Read Previous Poem (Violin)

Violin - A Poem

 Violin With string and wooden frame  You are called violin by name!  You produce such notes, That enliven millions of hearts; And give hope to those  Who are bitterly hurt! Time and tech have wrought upon you  But none can take the melody  Being produced by you! You carry your enivening task, Always ready with something new  When anyone asks! Human beings have lot  To learn from you! For the betterment of the world  And to do something new! Read Next Poem (A Promise Irreversible) Read Previous Poem ( Poetry Publication Feeling)

Poetry Publication Feeling - Poem

 Poetry Publication Feeling What a feeling  Beyond word!  Still writing,  Having belief in sharing, It will drive me forward! Little pride, great joy  You can't imagine  How did I enjoy!  Like a pigeon  I did fly, Showing my skill  From the clear sky! Too high, too high  From the ground, Like a tied bird  Which has just become unbound! Suddenly it downs upon me  It bears a responsibility! Don't fly so high,  Otherwise, your true expression  Will bid you goodbye! Read Next Poem (Violin) Read Previous Poem (To Nature)

To Nature - A Poem

To Nature Oh Nature!  You really are greater , we are your humble worshippers  Please accept our prayers! You always are a source of joy  For you, we enjoy  We enjoy to our heart's content  And feel blessed, Though we are hurt and feel depressed! You are the supreme healer  To this world of mankind  You relieve us of pain or fear  Of any kind!  Oh Nature! you are too kind. How can we - the human  Become like you?  That the joyous breeze can run,  Which is lame now! Read Next Poem ( Poetry Publication Feeling) Read Previous Poem (Getting Myself Back)

Getting Myself Back - Poem

Getting Myself Back I am getting myself back  Once I did lack My confidence totally, Broke down both physically and mentally!  Situations went too wrong,  I could not remain strong!  Got humiliated, down-trodden in every way, But I had faith, though little that one day  Justice will be done to me,  I must become what I want to be! Now, I am relieved much  My confidence is coming back;  And I do feel, I can touch  My dream, fulfill my aim,  That day must come, must come! Now, I can laugh  Time has passed that was tough!  I have now regained  My sense of judgement! Got back physical and mental strength,  No matter now can hurt me,  I must become what I want to be! Read Next Poem (To Nature) Read Previous Poem ( Mother Tongue)

Mother Tongue - A Poem

 Mother Tongue Oh! what a joy, I do find  When I here my mother tongue,  It enters my ear,  Like a pleasing sensation! And helps me forget  All my pain, frustration, depression, expectation;  Really, my mother tongue is a champion, a true champion! I have heard so many languages  And none have satisfied me the most,  But when I hear my mother tongue  I always get lost!  And find me in a colourful valley, Happiness duels where all time,  That is why I consider my mother tongue  The most supreme, the most supreme! But I do not bear ill to any language  Never meat any harm,  I only want to go on a voyage, With my mother tongue!  Every language is charisma  But not to everyone,  I just want to remain, with my mother tongue! Read Next Poem (Getting Myself Back) Read Previous Poem (Words Of A Pessimist)

Words Of A Pessimist - A Poem

  Words Of A Pessimist Life to me is only pain  All my hope, aspiration, ambition;  Now are in vain! Oh! what a pain, what a pain.  I was a free man, I never new  God has prepared a chain, To tie me so hard, as never again I can follow my ambition! I never thought, oh God! You would be so heartless You are bent on to take off my flesh!  Oh! I am helpless, too helpless! You created me, for what purpose, To endure suffering, endless!  What an unlucky person I am, alas!  Life appears to me too tortuous! Now, there is no purpose of living,  I am just waiting  For that ultimate blow,  Which you will cast  To turn me into dust!  Be quick at your work  End me in this dark! Do no be a Pessimist... Life is Beautiful.... Work Hard! Read Next Poem (Mother Tongue) Read Previous Poem (26th January)

26th January - Republic Day of India, A Poem

 26th January 26th January! you did come. That is why we got this freedom! You imperted that spirit, that date  In those days which were too rare!  You woke us From deep slumber, That we embraced to escape  The unable torture of cruel ruler!  You lighted that fire whose flame Drove away the weakness,  Helped us taste, the first taste of freedom! We owe to thee for this existence,  Without you,  Who would have rescued us  From that pain, that violence!  We will remain to you forever grateful, You have made our lives too beautiful, too beautiful! It is an effort To sing in short a song  That should be sung too long, too long! Read Next Poem (Words Of A Pessimist) Read Previous Poem (Never Give Up)

Never Give Up- A Poem

  Never Give Up Never give up! Never give up!  Just keep trying, just keep trying, You shall definitely reach up!  May you be slow  But in course of time  You must glow! So, never give up! Never give up! You do not know  How far you are!  But time will come  When you must clear! So, never give up! Never give up! Be confident and keep patience  With this practice perseverance,  Form attitude to think positive,   Be smiling and drive away all the native, It's all that lead you to success  It's all that all successful persons possess! Read Next Poem (26th January) Read Previous Poem (Mental Pressure)

Mental Pressure - A Poem

  Mental Pressure I cannot get rid of mental pressure  Though I tried hard  And applied every measure!   But I cannot get stop thinking about matter  That gives me mental pressure! Uf! what a  pressure, what a pressure! All these happen  Because I listen to my heart, But every time after working  I get hurt!  Then I vow to apply my mind  But when comes fear wind, I get diverted  And my heart gets activated! This time I feel the pressure again  As I applied my heart,  Not my brain! My preparation has stopped,  I can't concentrate I believed a bastard  Who appeared moderate!   Tomorrow I will make a final decision  To bring out his clear ambition! Read Next Poem (Never Give Up) Read Previous Poem (Bye Bye 2022)